Online ad scams using fake AI-generated images of Dr Charlie Teo « Charlie Teo Foundation

Online ad scams using fake AI-generated images of Dr Charlie Teo

4 October 2023, updated 7 June 2024

Charlie Teo Foundation (CTF) has been made aware of online advertising scams that are illegally using our founder’s image and/or endorsement to promote alleged medications.

These scam ads use fake AI-generated images of Dr Charlie Teo on social media and website advertising. Dr Charlie Teo or CTF are not responsible for these fake online public advertisements, and we do not endorse or support them.

Dr Charlie Teo does not endorse or promote any medications in public advertising

Many supporters have sent us copies of these online ads asking if they’re scams. The answer is yes. If you receive or see one of these fake ads, we urge you to report it. Please do not click on any ad links or provide your personal details.  

The Australian Government provides information on how to report scams: