Research Strategy « Charlie Teo Foundation

Our funding approach is game-changing. We are working hard to tackle current challenges in research funding.


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Our Research Strategy

We must think differently
to find a solution

Brain cancer is an incredibly complex problem to solve. Our research strategy creates focus with the flexibility to experiment whilst managing risk

Key themes guide how and what to fund. We take an agile approach to learn from success and failure and reflect new scientific and clinical developments. This approach will pay dividends in the long run. Dividends to brain cancer patients in the form of hope, better treatments, extending life and the ultimate dream…a cure.

Key themes are:

To produce and share high-quality, well-annotated, biological and clinical data that has the potential to drive further innovation and scientific breakthroughs.

To create better analytical, methodological and clinical tools to fast-track brain cancer research.

To empower ‘out of the box’ thinkers to pursue creative and unusual ideas for a period of time, funding researchers who challenge the orthodox way of thinking.